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The Canterbury Tour

Welcome to Peter Collinson's tour of the City of Canterbury. The tour contains 500 pages, each with a photo and some text. The pages are paired, so a view in one direction is complemented by the view "behind you". Pairing means that you can walk to one end of the city, turn round and walk back again. You can turn right and left, taking different routes to explore the City.

It's August 2005, Canterbury has been undergoing a considerable amount of reconstruction in the last three years, and the Canterbury Tour has changed to reflect the rebuilding. Most of the tour has been reshot, I've not managed to redo some small portions, maybe next year.

You will also find many archaeological reports from the Canterbury Archaeological Trust. Look for the button showing a small trowel. There is also an index to all these reports.

I used many sources of information to create the text for the Tour, I give them credit on my Sources page.

If this is your first visit, be sure to see the page on Navigating the Canterbury Tour. You may also enjoy: Canterbury - a Tourist's Guide, a not very serious history of the City.

Please enjoy Canterbury...

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The Canterbury Tour, a unique virtual walk around this ancient city Peter Collinson
This page last changed on 18th November 2018.