My bookshelf contains several books about Canterbury, all contribute in
some way to the text that goes with the pictures of the Canterbury Tour.
You can buy most of the books from the Albion Bookshop using their
online ordering system and I include links to help you find them.
First, I derive much information from the Annual Reports from
the Canterbury Archaeological Trust. You'll find many of these
reports are online, and thanks are
due to Marion Green from the Trust that arranged permission for me
to do that. You can also buy the reports, they contain loads more information
on the activities of the Trust and also obviously cover a wider area of
Here is a listing of other source books, with links to the Albion Bookshop page.
Some of my Cathedral material is taken from an old book that a friend found
in a second hand bookshop: The Romance of Canterbury Cathedral by
Margaret A Babington. The edition I have was printed in 1939.
Finally, I've also used odd booklets and handouts that I've bought or picked up from:
The Canterbury Urban Studies Centre, which is always worth a visit; and
St.Thomas' Church.